The Personnel page lists the user accounts that exist for this station.
Accessing the Personnel Page
To access the Personnel page, click the "Personnel" button in the upper left corner.
Adding New Users
To add a new User:
- Press the Add User button.
- Enter their first name and last name.
- Enter their job title (optional).
- Enter their email address.
- Enter their phone number (optional if Two Factor Authentication is not enabled).
- Press Save to save the new user.
When a new user gets added, they will be sent an automated email with a link they must click to validate their account. The link expires in 24 hours. If they have not validated their account in 24 hours, another link must be sent by clicking the "resend password link" action button (it looks like a paper airplane).
Editing Users
Existing accounts can be edited by pressing the Edit User button that appears in the Action column. If a user's email address is changed, they will be sent a new automated email to validate their new email address.
Resetting Passwords
For any station user account except your own, from the Personnel page, you can begin the process of resetting a user's password by clicking the "resend password reset link" button, which looks like a paper airplane. This will send an automated email to that email address that can be clicked on and used to reset their password, such as when they forgot their password, if more than 24 hours have expired since their account was created and they didn't validate their account, or if for security purposes their password needs to be reset.
Deleting Users
If a user must be deleted, click the Trash button in the Action column.
Deleted users will no longer be able to sign on.
Note that you cannot delete your own account.
Single Email Address for Multiple Stations
It's possible for a single email address and password to be used for different stations that are affiliated with a single network. If an email address that has already been validated is added to a station, the validation process will be skipped for that new station, and you will be able to sign on to the additional station or stations using the previously validated email address and password. If you post airing information for multiple stations, such as several stations in a station group, this feature allows a single email address and password to be used. When signing on using an email address that is linked to multiple stations, on the Dashboard page, you will see a dropdown menu that can be used to switch between different stations.