The Logs page is used to view the log, print the log, or save the log to PDF. The name of the program will be shown near the top of the screen, along with the date range being viewed. The spot information is shown in the second part of the screen, with the following information appearing for each spot:

  • Advertiser and Product: The name of the advertiser and the product. 
  • ISCI code: The unique identification code for the copy.
  • Comment: If a copy instruction comment is available, an icon will appear in the “C” column. To see the comment, either hold the mouse over the icon to see a mouse-over popup, or click the icon to see a popup with the comment on it. (This comment will also appear on the printed log when printed and on the affidavit.)
  • Length: The length (in seconds) of the spot.
  • Pledge Date: The date the spot is pledged to air, based on the agreement with the network.
  • Pledge Time: The time that the spot is pledged to air, based on the agreement with the network.
  • Copy End Date: The last day that the copy is valid to air.

Spot change indicators for spot changes made by the network may be shown on this page. Spots that have been added since the initial export of data are shown in green. Spots that have been removed since the initial export are shown in red with a strike-through. Copy changes are shown in green.

Clicking the column headers sorts the data using the selected field as the major sort in ascending or descending order.

Additional features that may be enabled on the Logs screen include a Spot Summary table, and an “Audio Content” button, from which audio content can be accessed directly from the Logs screen. The name of each break/avail may also be shown on some systems. Some systems will also display the feed date and time and cart number.