The multicast feature is designed to make the posting of affidavits for simulcast stations easier and more efficient by allowing the posting of an affidavit for one station to automatically update the affidavits for all the other stations in that multicast group for that program, eliminating the need to post multiple, identical affidavits, and helping ensure all spots from the same multicast group are posted identically. 

Multicast Notice

When you agree to the text on the Citation screen and select the week to post, a “Multicast Notice” will appear that shows all the multicast stations that are grouped together for this program.

Press Continue on the Multicast Notice page to proceed to the Posting Screen.

Posting the Affidavit

The procedures for initially posting airing information for spots on multicast stations are the same as described in the earlier section about posting affidavits, however, all the stations in the multicast group will be posted simultaneously when one station in the group is posted. 

Switching the Posting Station

On the Posting Screen, you can switch between the different stations in a multicast group by selecting the station from the “Change Station” dropdown near the top of the screen.

Making an Exceptional Post for a Station in a Multicast Group

On some systems, a feature exists that makes it possible to make changes to one station in a multicast group and not have the changes made to it get propagated to the other stations in that multicast group, in order to handle an exceptional circumstance where one or several spots air differently on the different stations. When this feature is enabled, the following procedure can be used to do this:

  1. Update the air dates and times as needed for the spots that aired the same on all the multicast stations in the group, temporarily setting the air date/time for the exceptional spots to the air date and time of the primary station that is typically posted.
  2. After updating all the airing information, press the “Submit Posts” button.
  3. After pressing “Submit Posts”, use the “Change Station” dropdown to switch to the Posting Screen for the station that aired the exceptional spot.
  4. Edit the air date and time as needed for the exceptional airing circumstance.
  5. Press “Submit Posts” to save the changed airing information. 

When editing the airing information in this way (after having submitted posts the first time), the changes made will only affect the edited station’s affidavit, not the affidavit for the other stations in the multicast group.

If this feature is not enabled, the posting done for one station will always be copied to the other station, keeping the stations 100% in sync.