Bypassed Makegoods
On some systems, an additional option will be enabled that makes it possible to flag a missed spot that will never be made good as a “bypassed makegood”.
If bypassed makegoods are allowed, the missed spot list will include an additional bypass column.
To mark a missed spot as a “bypassed makegood”, click the "M" button in the yellow bypass column for the missed spot that you want to bypass. This will place an “X” in the box, and gray out the makegood air date, air time, and ISCI field. Then press the Process button to complete the process of changing a missed spot to a bypassed makegood.
Bypassed makegoods are automatically marked as posted, and will be indicated with a letter “X” in the “MG” column.
If a missed spot was flagged as a bypassed makegood spot by mistake, the bypassed makegood can be undone by clicking the “X”, and answering Yes to the prompt that appears and that asks whether to undo the bypassed makegood spot. Undoing the bypassed makegood will return the spot to the list of missed spots where it can either be made good normally or bypassed again if necessary.